As a fully fledged member of “The Caister generation”, I was
brought up on a diet of Beer, Soul, Jazz Funk & Fried chicken along with early morning Burgers at “The Orsett Cock” on journeys back from The Goldmine & Zero 6.
Closer to home was the legendary Flicks where resident DJ Colin Hudd along with regular guest DJ’s Robbie Vincent & Jeff Young provided a level of musical substance that set me on the path
to a lifetime love affair of Funk, Soul, Jazz Funk and everything
On those long pilgrimages to distant Cathedrals of Funk, cassettes of
the Robbie Vincent show & Greg Edwards were played at high volume to set us in the mood for a serious bit of clubbing. Of course long before Internet Radio was a thing, the early eighties saw an explosion of Pirate Stations across the London airwaves & suddenly it was possible to hear our music everyday!
In those early days as well as grooving to the music I was also playing
to the crowds, both with my mobile disco & later across various clubs & pubs across the South East, until my day job sadly had to take priority.
Later years saw me on one of the earliest Internet Stations – Soul 24-7,then a few years on commercial station Time 107.3 with a Weekend Soul & Disco show & a playlisted show on sister station Time 106.8 followed, along with freelance work on various stations in the South East plus a couple of community stations Academy 107.8 & BRFM 95.6.
I’m now delighted to share my music to all the listeners on Soul Groove Radio
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